Title: Wuthering Heights
Author: Emily Bronte
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Date Published: December, 1847
Pages: 448 (paperback)
Genre: Classic, gothic romance
Age Range: 14+ (for reading difficulty)
I cannot live without my life!
I cannot live without my soul!
When Catherine and Heathcliff's
childhood friendship grows into something so much more, what ensues is
one of the greatest love stories of all time. Even as fate conspires
against them and passion consumes them, nothing can keep Catherine and
Heathcliff apart. Not even death . . . for their forbidden love is
unlike any other.
Emily Brontë's masterpiece
remains as compelling and thrilling as ever. Beautifully presented for a
modern teen audience, this is the must-have edition of a timeless
This book was hard to get into in the beginning because it was....well boring.
About the first hundred pages is hard to get through, but once Ms. Dean starts telling the story of Heathcliff and Catherine, it gets much more bearable. The book begins to catch your attention, intrigue you with unexpected events, and characters, but also creep you out slightly by the things that certain characters do.
I didn't like reading this book because it was boring to me, but as I read the last....200 pages or so I liked it much more. It's just a hard book to get through. But I had to read it for school so I got through it and I'm finished and I probably won't have to read it again. I would definitely say that this is a high school reading level kind of book. But it's a good gothic romance novel.
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